I just finished watching Kayo Hatta's film titled "Picture Bride" to refresh my memory of Tamlyn Tomita's
voice and face. Why? She was in Seattle for a few months with that Philip Gotanda play at ACT.. people were telling me they
met her and such...i didn't see it, never saw her around town, so i figured it wasn't my destiny at this time.
28,I was at the airport to SF when i see this JA chick with yello specs on......
the story goes like this... i notice this JA chick with yello lenses like me at the baggage claim with tons of clunky
big bags rolling sown the chute. some dude lookin' like an asian james dean helpin her out. She looks sooooo familiar. but
from where??? i'm standing there trying to figure her out. Then, she passes in front of me, profile so familiar...then
i close my eyes and i get a flash of picture bride a transparent holographic image appears before me, it matches! TAMLYN
TOMITA!!!! (It's her, it's HER! i'm screaming in silence inside my head) my camera battery is dead, my point
and shoot buried deep inside my bag, and my video cam also buried--no pen, no paper, no nothing. Nobody gonna believe me!
WHat to do! i just stood there and listened for her unmistakable voice. yeah , it's HER, i was in awe. i grabbed
my bags and went outside to wait for my ride. I glanced to my right and there they were again. I thought about it really
hard..to bother them or not-over and over. Hmm, i don't want her to think i'm this weird stalker person. I moved my bags a
footto the right and made my approach. Now what to say? someting stoopid. IHK-"hey, weren't you in that play
in seattle? TT; yeah, did you see it? IHK: "Nah, too expensive." something to that effect. i mentioned
that i "emailed Amy hill to ask how tall you were" last week. i then noticed that my baggage was too far away
and the dude (greg) brought my stuff over. Real ccool people. Down to earth. She asked my purpose for being
in sf, i mentioned i was collaborating with Miya Masaoka on her Giant Roach piece on oct 1/2. Tomita was here for a reading
of Gotanda's new work also on the 10-2, oh well, i guess i'll never see her live on stage.. Their ride came. i waited
and waited for mine it was now 12:10pm Miya finally rolled up in her typical JA ride, a white Camry 4-door. On the road to
pick up the Roaches she asked "how long were you waiting?" IHK: (grinning like a Cheshire Cat) i replied,
" about 35 minutes, but it was OK, 'cuz i got to meet Tamlyn Tomita!!" Was THAT the wrong answer, cuz
Miya..she gave me the 'yoko-me' (side-eye) look. I guess Tamlyn is not her fave star actress! And that's
THE HIGHpoint of my trip to SF sept 28th '98

I sent my story titled "Good Karma" to Amy Hill and D.A. Tsufura. I commented to Tsufura that i really wanted
something autographed by Tomita..since i didn't have my camera up and ready or have anything for her to sign. Then
just last week or so, i get this envelope in the mail. I open it, and inside a note " As u wished" and a postcard
signed by Tamlyn!!!!!!!!! good timing with my birthday!
If i had a photo of Tamlyn, i'd stick it here too, but i don't! <<hint, hint>>
Story Copyright I.H.Kuniyuki.